Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Radovan Karadzic Captured: Updated

Serbia arrested Radovan Karadzic yesterday. After 12 years on the run, he had finally become too inconvenient. Let's hope his partner in crime Ratko Mladic becomes similarly inconvenient. Serbia wants to get into the EU, but they have to clear up the war criminal problem first.
Update - July 26
The Times has a very good article about Karadzic published today. I like to make fun of these people, but that doesn't mean they're funny.
Radovan Karadzic: Liar Who Led His Nation To Ruin
He wasn't the first, and won't be the last.

Anyway, it had always been my fond hope that Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld would make a happy threesome with Slobodan Milošević in jail in The Hague. Unfortunately, my dream was dashed when Milošević accidentally killed himself. He was fiddling with his heart medication to finagle his way out of jail. But now, with the capture of Karadzic, my dream lives again!

Based on the appearance of Karadzic and Saddam Hussein, sophisticated computer modeling has been able to predict what Dickey and Rumsey will look like when they are eventually apprehended. Below are the mugshots they will provide in about 10 years.

Dickey hasn't changed a bit. Our computer model predicts he will be arrested at a remote cabin in the mountains of Montana.

Rumsey, though, looks a bit worse for wear. He will be found wandering drunk on a beach in Belize.