Friday, July 18, 2008

The Onion Nails It

Satiric news site The Onion reported in January 2001 on George Bush's view of his upcoming Presidency:
"Our long national nightmare of peace and prosperity is finally over."
Its amazing how many things they got right.
"My fellow Americans," Bush said, "at long last, we have reached the end of the dark period in American history that will come to be known as the Clinton Era, eight long years characterized by unprecedented economic expansion, a sharp decrease in crime, and sustained peace overseas. The time has come to put all of that behind us."

"We as a people must stand united, banding together to tear this nation in two," Bush said. "Much work lies ahead of us: The gap between the rich and the poor may be wide, be there's much more widening left to do. We must squander our nation's hard-won budget surplus on tax breaks for the wealthiest 15 percent. And, on the foreign front, we must find an enemy and defeat it."

"The insanity is over," Bush said. "After a long, dark night of peace and stability, the sun is finally rising again over America. We look forward to a bright new dawn not seen since the glory days of my dad."

Apart from the million dead in Iraq and Afghanistan, it would be funny.

Yes that's a real, un-doctored photo. You can't make this shit up.